Drupal Maintenance

Peace of mind with the Drupal maintenance package

Running a business is hard enough without having to micro manage a web developer or agency. This simple rolling monthly maintenance package for small fixes and security updates to your Drupal website provides you with support and reassurance. Any additional work is charged at an agreed and discounted hourly rate.

Drupal maintenance & improvements
Benefits of the monthly Drupal maintenance package

  • Minute-by-minute monitoring of your Drupal site
  • A report of any issues sent immediately to your inbox
  • Issues resolved within an agreed time-frame*
  • Email and phone support if you've got questions or need help
  • Discounted fixed hourly rate for any improvements to your Drupal site
  • Monthly site updates and Drupal security patches
  • One month FREE Drupal support if you sign up to 12 months
  • Spread the cost with a rolling monthly plan
  • Highly critical patches to core will be sorted out on release

Enquire now

Or contact me if you have any questions

  • Get in touch
  • Tools

    Project Management
    JIRA & Confluence
    Adobe Photoshop & Axure Pro
    Drupal 7/8,
    Symfony, React & Craft CMS

  • Experience

    HTML CSS/SASS & JavaScript
    Hosting & Infrastructure
    Unix, GIT, Docker/Vagrant

  • 120+ Projects

    London Contracts
    Providing value beyond development
    Freelance Clients
    Successfully delivered over 120 projects
    From US, Australia, Germany, India to UK

What you get with your Drupal maintenance package

  • Active monitoring
  • Issue escalation and resolution*
  • Email and phone support
  • Drupal website report
  • Flexible payment options
  • 1 year contractual and discounted fixed hourly rate
  • Kanban board to view backlog, progress and completed tasks

* You will receive a response up to 1-2 hours on work days and up to 4-8 hours on weekends. If the problem can be fixed immediately, I will do so. However, additional work may be required if there was a problem. I will always do my best to solve the issue as soon as possible. I will never carry out work that needs an additional charge, without your prior consent.

“Having worked on high traffic websites to leading teams of developers I have my fair share of experience when it comes to providing business critical Drupal website support.”

Learn about my approach, recent projects or about me.